The famished millions are famishing not because there is not enough food produced in India but because they have no work to do. The only work for the millions is the spinning wheel. I know the Industrial Mission House in Calcutta. It is good in its way, but it does not touch even the fringe of the question. The problem is how to take work to the cottages of these men, cottages which are scattered over a surface 1900 miles long and 1500 broad. They will not take the spinning wheel unless they learn the art themselves and unless they spin to set an example to these men who have lost faith in themselves and faith in everything and everybody. And the spinning wheel is useless unless you and I wear khadi. Hence it is that I have not hesitated to say to Lord Reading or to Lord Willingdon* that I will not be satisfied unless they and their orderlies are dressed from top to toe in khadi. Young India, August 6, 1925
*Lord Reading and Lord Willingdon-respectively Viceroy and Presidency Governor of India.