"Tai Chi Estates"
This property is owned by Mountaintop Sea Ministries, International and is our spiritual retreat called "Tai Chi Estates." We are restoring the property to the way it was historically when it was a cedar forest with a floor of sword firns.We have planted over 200 cedar trees and are removing foreign growth such as ivy and blackberry plants so that the growth of the sword firns is promoted. We are also working on bringing back the wild runs of chinook and coho salmon which spawn in the properties stream. The property is a safe refuge for deer, bobcat, lynx, bear, the occasional cougar and miscellaneous small animals and birds. In the past this property was a large marijuana grow operation and the driveway was a frequently used spot for "sex, drugs, and booze."
If you would like a tour of "Tai Chi Estates" or would like to know more about the ministry give me a call-310-913-7643, Bill Schweizer-missionary and founder, Mountaintop Sea Ministries, International.
This property is owned by Mountaintop Sea Ministries, International and is our spiritual retreat called "Tai Chi Estates." We are restoring the property to the way it was historically when it was a cedar forest with a floor of sword firns.We have planted over 200 cedar trees and are removing foreign growth such as ivy and blackberry plants so that the growth of the sword firns is promoted. We are also working on bringing back the wild runs of chinook and coho salmon which spawn in the properties stream. The property is a safe refuge for deer, bobcat, lynx, bear, the occasional cougar and miscellaneous small animals and birds. In the past this property was a large marijuana grow operation and the driveway was a frequently used spot for "sex, drugs, and booze."
If you would like a tour of "Tai Chi Estates" or would like to know more about the ministry give me a call-310-913-7643, Bill Schweizer-missionary and founder, Mountaintop Sea Ministries, International.